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Free Green Shores Coastal Processes Training Module

Saint Mary’s University 923 Robie St, Halifax

Introducing a new FREE Green Shores Training Module: Coastal Processes and Application of Nature-based Erosion and Flood Management Solutions. This training is open to everyone! This course will help you identify key aspects of shoreline and coastal processes relevant to sites within Nova Scotia and will help familiarize you with general topics related to shorelines, […]

Caledonia Christmas Bird Count

Caledonia Caledonia

Join the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute on December 15th for the annual Christmas Bird Count in Caledonia! Anyone can join the count and help us record birds you see in the Caledonia area, either along a walking/driving route or at your bird feeder. If you would like to participate in the Caledonia count, please contact […]

Annapolis Royal Christmas Bird Count

French Basin Trail Nova Scotia Trunk 1, Annapolis Royal

This event is hosted by Ducks Unlimited Canada, Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP), and the Treasured Wetlands of Nova Scotia Program. Together, they will be counting birds in designated areas to contribute to valuable wildlife data. The Christmas Bird Count will be held at the French Basin Trail in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia! For this […]