Recreation and Tourism Opportunities
Ecosystems Services: a benefit to wildlife and people
Beaches and dunes in Kespukwitk/Southwest Nova Scotia Priority Place are not only culturally important for their association with local’s sense of place but act as habitat for species like the Piping Plover. Piping Plovers are an iconic migratory bird that nests in the soft, dry, sand. Best practices for beach-goers to avoid disturbing Piping Plovers include keeping dogs on leash and walking on the wet sand. Red Knot and Savannah Sparrow are also migratory birds and species at risk that use beaches in Nova Scotia as breeding habitat.
Beaches can provide several economic benefits to coastal communities. Tourists are attracted to the beautiful coastlines of the South Shore and beaches are highly used recreationally. Beaches can also provide food, for example, clams, mussels, and seaweed can be harvested. Property values near beaches are typically increased due to the value we place on proximity to beach locations.
In Nova Scotia the majority (~87%) of the coast is privately owned, therefore, it is important that private landowners are well informed and engaged on issues of beach development and species at risk best practices.

Additional Resources
Nova Scotia Piping Plover Conservation Program
Nature Conservancy – Gaff Point